Monday, November 21, 2011

How time flys by!

We are very sorry that we have not been the best at updating you readers on everything that has been happening so far. A lot has happen since our last enter, as you all know there is meatballs for mission coming up this weekend! and not only that we now only have 7 weeks till we fly out!! Craz how time goes by eh? We thank-you all for who are checking up on this blog site and keeping us in your prayers. As the weeks go by there are many prayer request to still keep in mind.

1) Traveling\Safety over christmas break and traveling to Ecuador
2) Meat Balls for missions
3) Team Unity
4) The country of Ecuador\people of Ecuador
5) Youth World ( The mission that we are going to be working with)
6) To be used in ways that well challenge us and to rely on Him!
7) To have a positive attitude
8) To have everything done that needs to be done before we go
9) To have our hearts,and minds prepared for what ever God as in store for us
10) To HAVE FUN!!

Thank-you once again for all of you who are coming along side of us through this crazy adventure that we are going on. Your prayers are truly needed for the people of Ecuador and for the country.

Meatballs for Missions

So this Sunday (November 27) is meatballs for missions. If you don't know what that is; every year the CLBI impact teams host a fundraising event. The money raised goes towards whichever teams need it. It is hosted at CLBI and will be a lot of fun. We hope to see you there!

For more information on the our missions visit here.

Fun Fact: Ecuador has three major geographical regions: the Costa (the coast), the Sierra (the highlands) and el oriente (the amazon).

Friday, September 30, 2011

Buenos Dias!

Hola! Welcome to the blog of impact team Ecuador, we are are group of students from CLBI. Doing a cross cultural missions experience. Our trip will actually happen this January from the 3rd to the 25th.
We are actually two impact teams going to the same place, so you will see posts from both teams. The first team consists of Sted Christenson, Rylee Evans, Natasha Schlein, and Jenna Tysdal, and the other team consist of Katie Tompkins, Amanda Van Horn, Feyan Mellsen, and Rosalee Rohde.

We are traveling to Quito Ecuador and visiting the surrounding areas; including some jungle cities of the Amazon.

Fun fact: Ecuador translates from Spanish into equator, because it is right on the equator.

Stick around because we will try and keep you posted on what is happening.